Atlassian Professional Services

Moser的Atlassian认证专家团队可以协助实施, 迁移, 优化s and Managing your Atlassian tools.


mg官方游戏中心的客户依靠Moser的专家团队来帮助指导他们使用Atlassian系统.  mg官方游戏中心的Atlassian建筑师听取客户的要求,开发满足他们需求的解决方案.


Moser的认证专家拥有丰富的经验和知识来优化您的Atlassian环境. By listening to the clients needs, mg官方游戏中心能够通过将这些需求与标准和最佳实践相匹配来进行改进.


Atlassian Server or Data Center: Moser’s experts help our clients to plan and seamlessly move to cloud.

其他供应商: 如果您决定从另一个系统转移到Atlassian,请让Moser帮忙.  mg官方游戏中心已经帮助许多客户从Service Now、Avanti等系统迁移.

整合: Whether it’s through M&或者只是合并公司内部的实例,Moser拥有将这些系统整合在一起的经验.

Managing Atlassian Tools

Let Moser help with the ongoing support of your Atlassian environment. 很多次, 用户被分配管理Atlassian工具的责任仅仅是因为他们是“高级用户”。. Moser can design a solution that fits your needs, whether using Moser’s Managed Services or on an as needed basis. We have the experts that can help!

Property Management Use Case:

Jira Service Management (JSM) for Property Management Organizations


Moser worked with a large, Property Development and Management company that develops, 维护, and manages multiple residential and commercial properties. Their responsibilities include maintenance requests, 租户的调查, 租赁协议, and property inspections. To streamline their operations and enhance customer satisfaction, TWG Development决定实现Jira服务管理(JSM)作为他们的集中式服务台解决方案.

  • Moser用适当的请求类型配置了Jira服务管理, 工作流, and SLAs tailored to their property management needs.

  • 内部员工开始使用JSM作为提交与其内部业务流程相关的请求的手段.

  • 然后通过提供对Jira Service Management门户的访问来提交维护请求,将JSM扩展到租户.

  1. Centralized Service Desk for Internal Operations

    • Moser将Jira Service Management实现为一个集中式服务台,用于处理组织内各部门之间的各种内部任务和请求.

    • 配置自定义请求类型以适应不同的内部流程, including maintenance requests, 供应商合同, 租赁协议, and facility management 任务.

  2. Maintenance Request Management:

    • 可以通过JSM门户或电子邮件集成提交来自物业经理或租户的维护请求.

    • 收到请求后,JSM根据问题的性质对请求进行分类.g.(管道,电气,暖通空调),并将其分配给维修技术人员解决.

  3. Tenant Relations and Lease Management:

    • JSM can be used to manage 租户的调查, 租赁协议, and requests for property inspections or repairs.

    • Custom request types are created for handling lease renewals, move-in/move-out inspections, 租金支付事宜, 租户投诉.

  4. Vendor Management and Facility Operations:

    • Vendor Management and Facility Operations oversee 供应商合同, 服务协议, and facility maintenance 任务 using JSM.

    • 与供应商入职、合同续签、服务请求相关的请求.g.(美化、清洁)和设施维修都在平台内记录和管理.

  5. Automated Workflows and SLA Management:

    • 自动工作流被配置为根据预定义的标准将请求路由到适当的团队或个人, ensuring prompt resolution and accountability.

    • 服务水平协议(sla)的建立是为了在指定的时间范围内确定优先级并解决请求, enhancing service delivery and tenant satisfaction.


  • 提高效率:Jira服务管理通过集中任务管理简化了内部操作, 自动化工作流, and providing 可见性 into request status and progress.

  • 加强协作:透过统一的平台,促进跨部门的协作, 使物业经理之间的沟通和协调顺畅, maintenance technicians, tenant relations specialists, 以及其他利益相关者.

  • Transparency and Accountability: Transparent 工作流, SLA跟踪, 报告功能促进问责制并确保及时解决任务, leading to improved tenant satisfaction and operational performance.

  • 可伸缩性和定制:JSM的灵活性允许组织调整和定制平台,以满足不断变化的业务需求, 无论是管理小型房地产投资组合还是为大型房地产投资组合扩展业务.


By leveraging Jira Service Management for internal operations, the organization optimizes property management processes, enhances collaboration among teams, and delivers superior service to tenants and property owners. The platform's robust features, including customizable 工作流, SLA管理, and reporting capabilities, empowering organization to streamline operations, 提高效率, and drive success in the competitive real estate market. Requests are successfully resolved, ensuring the satisfaction of property managers and tenants is ensured.

所有与请求相关的通信和操作都记录在Jira Service Management中,以便将来参考和审计.

物业管理人员可以分析Jira Service management中的数据和指标,以确定趋势, optimize resource allocation, and enhance overall service efficiency.

Insurance Industry Use Case:

Streamlining Project Management Operations with Jira Software for PMO


Jira Cloud为项目管理办公室(pmo)提供了一个全面的平台,以简化和优化他们的项目管理操作. By leveraging Jira Cloud, PMOs can centralize project tracking, 标准化的流程, 加强合作, and gain valuable insights for better decision-making. 下面是一个详细的用例,说明了PMO如何利用Jira Cloud有效地管理组织内的项目.


一家大型医疗事故保险机构运营着一个PMO,负责监督不同部门的多个项目, including software development, 营销活动, and infrastructure upgrades. The PMO aims to 提高效率, 可见性, 并在确保遵守既定标准和最佳实践的同时,对所有项目进行协调.

  1. 集中的项目跟踪:PMO利用Jira Cloud作为集中的平台来跟踪组织内的所有项目. Project managers create dedicated project boards within Jira Cloud, representing each initiative or workstream. These boards serve as a single source of truth, containing all relevant project information, 任务, 时间线, 进度更新.

  2. 标准化的过程和工作流:Jira Cloud使PMO能够为项目管理建立标准化的过程和工作流. Customizable 工作流 are configured within Jira, aligning with the organization's project management methodology (e.g., Agile, Kanban, Waterfall). These 工作流 define clear stages, 批准盖茨, 和依赖关系, ensuring consistency and accountability across projects.

  3. 协作工作环境:项目团队在Jira Cloud内无缝协作, fostering communication and transparency. Team members can easily assign 任务, 共享文档, and engage in discussions directly within the platform. Features such as mentions, 评论, and notifications facilitate real-time communication, 使涉众在整个项目生命周期中保持知情和参与.

  4. 性能监控和报告:Jira Cloud为性能监控和报告提供了强大的报告和分析工具. The PMO leverages built-in dashboards, 自定义报告, and advanced analytics to track key performance indicators (KPIs), measure project progress, and identify potential bottlenecks or risks. 来自Jira Cloud的洞察力使PMO能够根据需要做出数据驱动的决策和航向修正.

  5. Continuous Improvement and Iteration: As projects progress, 项目管理办公室定期进行评审和回顾,以收集反馈并确定需要改进的地方. 利用Jira云, the PMO captures lessons learned, implements process enhancements, and iterates on best practices across projects. 这种迭代方法在组织内培养了一种持续改进的文化, driving efficiency and innovation.


  • Improved 可见性 and transparency across all projects.

  • Enhanced collaboration and communication among project teams.

  • Standardized processes and 工作流 for consistency and efficiency.

  • Optimal resource allocation and capacity planning.

  • Data-driven decision-making based on real-time insights and analytics.

  • Continuous improvement through feedback loops and iteration.


By leveraging Jira Cloud, 该机构的项目管理办公室成功地简化了项目管理业务, 驱动效率, and fosters collaboration across the organization. With centralized project tracking, standardized processes, collaborative work environments, and data-driven insights, the PMO can effectively oversee projects, 降低风险, and deliver value to stakeholders.