What is a Human Centered Design Process?

Pondering how an actual user will experience and interact with a product is invaluable. Solving a technical problem without considering if it will work for a user will often lead to circumnavigating one problem with another.

Human centered 设计 is an approach to problem solving that focuses on people and their experience while trying to accomplish a task or achieve a goal. Human involvement in the 设计 process typically takes place in observing the problem within a specific context, 头脑风暴, 概念化, 发展中, and 实现ing the solution.

What is human centered 设计 used for?

The most effective use of human centered 设计 is to create a product or service that deeply resonates with the user. When research and development keep the end-user in mind, what you get as a result is a product that reflects the fact that customers were included in every stage of the process. This ultimately drives more engagement and growth for the company and its product.

Human centered 设计 can often be overlooked. It is often helpful to understand how not 实现ing a human centered 设计 can impact your business. If you take two architecture companies, 例如, one uses human centered 设计 and the other doesn’t. The company that does not utilize human centered 设计 might create a mighty building, with lots of rooms with a spa and other desired amenities but the user may never find themes since they are on unmarked floors. Keeping the user in mind all of the amenities means they will be clearly labeled, 很容易找到, 所有人都可以访问. Your project might be ready to launch, but if you don’t take into account human centered 设计, then you are not guaranteed success.

What are the key principle of human centered 设计?

Reducing this 设计 process to one key principle would hinder the best understanding of the concept entirely. 而, we are going to explore four key principles of human centered 设计 in hopes of better fleshing out the concept.


Empathy is key to human centered 设计. This 设计 process focuses on how the end user 感觉 关于他们的经历. A person's feelings (their emotional response) dictate the choices they make. Focus on the user and their context around the problem. There will be plenty of issues and kinks to work out over time, but making sure the 用户体验 is airtight is priority number one.


Everything is interconnected. Think of your business, product, service, etc. as a system of parts that all need to work together in order to be successful.

理解 正确的 问题:

Have your team dive deep to find the root of the problem. Multiple issues could be solved by fixing the system or process from which they derive.


Do not rush solutions or try to fix every major problem all at once. When you begin to see everything as a connected system within your business, it will be easier to fix smaller problems that will eventually lead to solving bigger ones. Constantly brainstorm and create prototypes to test, this will keep fresh solutions coming in and allow your team to have the confidence and experience to fix future problems with less hurdles.

What are the 3 factors of successful human centered 设计?

Three critically important factors in creating a successful human centered 设计 revolve around the three I’s: 灵感, 意念, 和实现. 灵感 hones in on the process of deeply understanding what people want and finding problems that you need to solve to make their lives better. 灵感 inherently implies a sense of discovery, meaning that your team needs to find out what your target audience wants, and what are their main obstacles. 意念 is where you can fully immerse yourself in the barriers you have identified within your target audience. Gather your team to brainstorm potential solutions and create prototypes to test. After crafting prototypes and 测试 solutions, it then comes time to 实现 这些解决方案. Fully explore the extent to which your prototype solutions can solve a specific problem.

Learn to craft unique 用户体验s with MG游戏登录网页

MG游戏登录网页 believes that technology is a tool to help you achieve your objectives regardless of its location; in your data center, 在云端, 或者在手机上. But the 正确的 people to handle that technology is the key to unlocking its potential. Learn more about how MG游戏登录网页 can work alongside your team to teach key principles or develop an app, all while ensuring the project is a success.

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