What Are Data Management Systems?

Larry Bird said: “First, master the Fundamentals”. Does your company have good data management foundations? 


Data is the life blood of a company; it’s what makes the whole enterprise work. 但是,即使是最有序的工作场所,管理与经营业务相关的大量数据也可能是一项挑战. 那么,作为一个全面的系统,应该应用哪些数据管理原则和最佳实践来获得最大的数据呢?

This article aims to teach you just that. We’ll go over the importance of data management, the types of systems out there, and how you might set up your own system or use Data Management as a Service (DMaaS) to achieve your business goals.

What Is a Data Management System?

Data management is the overarching practice of gathering, organizing, 存储, and accessing your company’s data. 您的数据管理系统是用于实现这些事情的所有工具. 这些工具包括您使用的技术硬件和软件, your data management team gathering and using the data, 以及在数据管理平台问题出现时帮助您排除故障的外部支持团队.

Data management team troubleshooting data management platform issues.

What Are the Types of Data Management Systems?

因为数据管理系统本质上是用来管理数据的工具包, 在不同行业的不同业务中,有许多不同的方式来看待这些问题. Since these systems can include such a wide range of tools, 将它们划分为端到端数据管理流程的不同方面是很有用的.

So what does data management include? It includes data:













现在,让mg官方游戏中心查看数据管理工具列表,以了解这些类别中的数据管理系统的一些示例. 其中一些工具可以用于整体管理的多个方面, but this can be a useful framework for introducing their main purpose.

Data Gathering

Collecting data is the first step in any data management system, because without any data, none of the rest of the systems have anything to work with. Data gathering systems are wide ranging, and can include things 如:

  • Inventory management tools 

  • Customer satisfaction survey tools

  • 电子邮件 signup forms

  • Manual data entry platforms

Data Organizing

对输入的信息进行排序和分类是下一组系统的工作. 如果传入的事实和数据只是作为不同的文件留在系统中, 它们用处不大,因为它们不容易被需要它们的人发现或获取. In the past, 为每个客户提供一个文件夹的文件柜可能是组织业务数据的一种方便方式, but most modern companies need something with more bells and whistles. This includes things 如:

  • Spreadsheets

  • Databases 

  • Big data management systems

Data Validating

确保收集和组织的数据是正确的,并准确分类是整体数据管理的另一个重要部分. 可以对数据集进行各种验证检查以确保准确性, including:

  • Data Type Checks - to ensure each field contains the correct form of data, makes sure things like phone numbers don’t contain letters

  • Range Checks -检查应该在某个数字范围内的字段是否留在其中, 确保调查回复栏应该在1到10之间,在这个范围内

  • Consistency Checks -查找逻辑错误,确保客户的出生日期没有被列为未来

Data 存储

Having all your data collected, organized and validated, 数据管理系统的下一步是决定在哪里保存这些信息. Since data is the lifeblood of a company, it needs to be housed somewhere that it can be safe, backed up, and accessible. 在何处存储满足这些需求的业务数据有许多不同的选择, 如:

  • Cloud storage

  • In-house servers

  • Hybrid solutions

Data Protecting

保证你花费了大量时间和资源的数据的安全是(或应该是)企业的首要任务. Because data is susceptible to corruption, 损失, 盗窃, and various forms of cyber attack, it often requires multiple systems of protection. These can include:

  • Local and cloud backup

  • Encryption

  • Selective permission for access

Data Accessing

Using the data to carry out day-to-day business tasks, and to shape long range company plans, is the entire point of having this information to begin with. 这使得能够访问、分析和对最重要的数据采取行动. Some of the myriad of tools that will carry out these functions are:

  • Marketing Automation Tools - Uses customer contact data, 以及行为定位和引导生成信息,以帮助成功的营销工作.

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Tools -授权销售和CS团队通过汇总客户详细信息(如购买)来最好地为客户服务, 反馈, and contact information.

  • Return on Investment Tracking Tools -允许公司监控营销策略的有效性和不同潜在客户的盈利能力.

What Are Key Elements of a Data Management System?

Since systems for managing data play such an important role in business, 重要的是要考虑使这些系统尽可能有效需要哪些关键元素. Some of the most important aspects you should look for are:



事实和数据将从各种不同的来源进入企业, and they need to be verified, 存储, and accessed by a variety of tools. 总的来说,您使用的系统需要能够与您现有的技术堆栈集成.



在许多行业中,有关数据存储和保护的规则和法规都很常见. 您企业的数据管理系统需要确保您遵守规则, and you need to be able to prove it when asked or audited.



Data can only be useful if you can see and understand it, 所以理想情况下,你的系统应该包含一个真相来源,这样你就可以查看所有相关细节,而无需在多个平台之间切换.

Ease of use

Ease of Use

团队成员和客户都需要能够毫无困难地使用数据管理系统的相关部分, otherwise you risk them not using it at all. 它应该能够快速方便地输入、编辑、搜索和找到他们需要的信息.

Real-time experience

Real-time Experience

进入系统的输入应该能够在它们发生时被监视. This lets a business find errors or problems as they are happening, making them easier to correct quickly.

Moser: We Can Help Show You How to Improve Data Management Skills

Data management systems can be a challenge to get right. 需要考虑的活动部分很多,但是一个好的系统的最终结果是值得付出努力的.

Moser Consulting在帮助客户充分利用其技术方面已经走在了超过25年的前沿. mg官方游戏中心致力于成为值得信赖的长期合作伙伴,为您的业务目标服务,包括数据管理. 

数据管理即服务(Data Management as a Service, DMaaS)是一个很好的选择,它可以帮助您获得所需的技术支持,从而驾驭这种复杂的环境. Moser can help, whether you need us to design a system from scratch for you, or just help you make your current system work better!

What Are Data Management Systems? white paper cover preview

Get in touch 今天来看看数据管理系统的例子,了解更多mg官方游戏中心可以提供的帮助.


由于数据变得越来越复杂,产生的数据量比过去要大, 数据管理已经成为一个组织如何运作的最关键的组成部分之一.

According to Statista, the worldwide data management and analytics industry will be worth $274.3 billion by the end of 2022. Furthermore, around $85 billion is expected to be made up of IT services. 全球许多公司都采用了数据优先的企业方法,数据是一种战略资产. 对于企业高管和运营商来说,实施结构良好的数据管理策略至关重要.

Employee analyzing data for their organization