Security Assessments

Disaster Recovery Planning and Cybersecurity Preparedness

Disaster Recovery for Businesses | Cyber Insurance Assessments

灾难恢复是任何组织准备过程的重要组成部分, 当涉及到技术和网络安全时,这一点尤为重要. 应该制定适当的灾难恢复计划,以确保在发生灾难或系统故障时能够快速有效地恢复数据. Additionally, 组织需要有足够的资源和适当的措施来确保他们的系统能够抵御网络安全威胁, including malware and ransomware.

According to the U.S. National Cybersecurity Alliance, 60%遭受网络攻击的小企业会倒闭. Large businesses also have long term ramifications. And disasters are not always caused by hackers or cyber invasions. Natural disasters, power outages, burst pipes, 其他意外事件可能会对企业的技术基础设施造成严重损害. Without a proper disaster recovery plan in place, 这些事件可能导致数据丢失或系统故障,从而使您的企业面临财务损失和声誉受损的风险.

对于任何希望保护其系统免受自然灾害影响的组织来说,有一个全面的灾难恢复计划是必不可少的, cybersecurity threats, and other unexpected events. 有了适当的资源和措施,无论发生什么情况,您都可以确保数据的安全.

Moser has two tools we can use to help your organization prepare.

According to the U.S. National Cybersecurity Alliance, 60%遭受网络攻击的小企业在六个月内倒闭. Larger businesses don't fare much better.

60% of small businesses suffering a cyber attack

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning Exercises

Being prepared for any emergency is critical for any business. 这些练习是确保你的企业为任何事情做好准备的有效方法.

Are you ready if an emergency happens?


Does everyone know how to respond to ransomware?



这些练习是确保企业为灾难做好准备的有效方法. 这些练习包括将关键的利益相关者聚集在一起讨论和实践对常见场景(如自然灾害)的响应, power outages, cyber breaches, or other disruptions in service.

During these exercises, 参与者将面对基于现实世界事件的假设情境. 然后他们将有机会讨论和练习他们将如何应对这种情况.

这些演习旨在帮助参与者熟悉他们在紧急情况下的反应计划和角色. 它还允许他们识别计划中的任何差距或弱点,可以在事件发生之前解决.

总的来说,演习是任何灾难恢复和业务连续性计划的重要组成部分. 他们为参与者提供了在保险箱中练习反应的机会, 低风险环境,使他们能够更好地为现实世界的灾难做好准备.

More than simply having a plan in place, 同样重要的是,要确保该计划能够有效地应对潜在的灾害. 这些演习有助于确保企业采取一切必要措施来保护自己,并在危机来袭时将任何干扰降到最低.

Moser’s business continuity exercises in not an official audit, 但它将有助于发现问题区域,并确保您的公司在it基础设施发生最坏情况时做好准备. 行动后报告,可付诸行动的文件,解释差距并提出补救缺点的备选方案.

Cyber Insurance Assessments


Do you have cyber insurance?


Are you following best practices and documenting them?

Are you sure your claim will be paid out if you experience a loss?

Can you lower your insurance costs?

When applying for cyber insurance, 保险公司会评估你是否符合他们的安全要求. 此评估旨在确保您采取了必要的步骤来保护您的业务免受潜在的数据泄露. To ensure that a business meets these requirements, the insurance company will usually look at a variety of factors, such as the type of technology used, the strength of its cybersecurity infrastructure, and any existing risk management plans.

评估还将考察企业应对数据泄露或其他网络事件的能力. 这包括检查在泄露事件发生时通知客户的程序,以及是否有足够的备份系统在危机期间保持运营.

Overall, 评估应提供对业务安全状况的深入了解,并帮助保险公司确定其风险级别. Once this is determined, 然后,他们可以决定是否为潜在的事故提供保险,以及哪种类型的政策最适合他们的需求. By taking the time to perform a thorough cyber insurance assessment, 企业可以确保他们在受到攻击时得到充分的保护.

值得注意的是,虽然网络安全评估对获得报道很重要, they cannot guarantee that you won’t face an incident. 即使你采取了所有必要的步骤,仍然有可能遭受破坏. 


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